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Newsletter - Annals of the Brazilian Academy of SciencesISSUE 54 |
With great pleasure I am introducing the volume 94-2 of the Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (AABC) with a record number of articles: 70! As everyone knows, the present time has been quite hard for periodicals in Brazil and, therefore, to have this large number of papers demonstrates the indisputable commitment of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) to the dissemination of science. Again, almost all main scientific fields covered by the AABC are represented: Health Sciences (HeSci - 14), Ecosystems (Ecosy - 10), Crop Science (CrSci - 10), Cellular and Molecular Biology (CeMoBio - 9), Biomedical Sciences (BmSci - 7), Microbiology (Mcbio - 5), Animal Science (AnSci - 4), Soil Science (SoiSci - 2), Geosciences (Geosci - 2), Engineering Sciences (EnSci - 2), Social Sciences (SocSci - 2), Forestry Science (FoSci - 1), Chemical Sciences (ChSci - 1), and Mathematical Sciences (MaSci - 1). As usual, it is very difficult to point out the highlights since more than ever, tough decisions must be made to accept manuscripts in this journal. This issue presents several papers regarding the effects of COVID-19 (HeSci), such as numbers of deaths in Brazil and influences of the pandemic in respect to other diseases, the impact in southern Brazil, risks of miscarriages, and the potential of vitamin D to cope with this viral infection. There are also several interesting papers on cancer. In the field of CeMoBio, there is an article on the effect of commercial Atrazine and a study of new molecular data of a specific anuran and its diversification in several regions of Brazil. BmSci shows contributions focusing on yellow fever in urban areas and the use of nanocrystals in healing wounds. Other interesting articles deal with the reaction of microbiological communities in areas of toxic disposals (Mcbio), fisheries resources and the patent system (Ecosy), silver nanoparticles to study invasive plant species (CrSci), and the feeding ecology of endemic frogs that live in the Atlantic Forest (AnSci). Lastly, there is an article concerning the perception of harassment in universities (SocSci) and the influence of seismic hazards on cultural heritage (Geosci). Please have a quick look at the editorial as well, which provides some discussions about the bicentennial commemoration of Brazilian independence. Again, I would like to point out that since 2000 all manuscripts published by the AABC can be downloaded free of charge at the SciELO site. Furthermore, I would like to invite you to access previous editions of the Newsletter at the ABC website. We are now inviting you to scroll through the text and click on the title of the article that interests you! Alexander W. A. Kellner |
1- A competitive family to the Beta and Kumaraswamy generators: Properties, Regressions and Applications
2- Current extraction methods and potential use of essential oils for quality and safety assurance of foodsJÉSSICA M.F. DE ALMEIDA-COUTO, JÉSSICA B. RESSUTTE, LÚCIO CARDOZO-FILHO & VLADIMIR F. CABRAEssential oils can be extracted from plants, trees, roots or flowers. These substances have medicinal properties. Many researchers have studied ecologically friendly methods for extracting essential oils and the effect of their application as a coating or packaging for food in order to extend the shelf life of various types of products. This review article presents the most used essential oil extraction methods and the effect of their application in food products. Read here |
3- Alterations in the testicular parenchyma of Foxn1+/- and Foxn1-/- adult miceFERNANDA C.R. DIAS, SÉRGIO L.P. MATTA, MICHELLE B. SOARES, ELIZABETH L. OLIVEIRA, FABIANA C.S.A. MELO, NIVALDO A. PARIZOTTO, ANGELICA O. GOMES & MARCOS L.M. GOMESNude mice carry a mutation in the Foxn1 gene and therefore are homozygous recessive animals (Foxn1-/-). This strain is commonly used in scientific studies, however its fertility rate is low. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the reason of such alteration. After testicular analyzes we have concluded that Foxn1+/- and Foxn1-/- mice showed reduced sperm count, sperm transit, and spermatogenic yield, affecting the fertility rate of such strain. Since the number of Leydig cells, which produce testosterone, were also lower, the overall androgen production could also be affected by the lack of Foxn1 gene. Read here |
4- Gait analysis with muscular fibrosis and treatment with Alpinia zerumbet essential oil in immobilized ratsTHAISA S.C. BATISTA, AMANDA F.R. OLIVEIRA, LUANA B. SANTANA, VÍTOR NASCIMENTO, EDNA A.F. CÂNDIDO & MARCUS V.A. BATISTAThis study evaluated the use of the essential oil of Alpinia zerumbet (EOAz) in the treatment of muscle fibrosis in rats with immobilized paws, condition that affects gait functionality. The use of EOAz was effective in reversing the changes in the gait of rats caused by the immobilization process. The results showed that EOAz has the potential to be a non-invasive and low-cost alternative to assist in the treatment of post-immobilization muscles, serving as the basis for further tests in humans, as this is a very common situation in several human pathologies that require immobilization or develop muscle fibrosis Read here |
5-The second coming of urban yellow fever in the Americas: looking the past to see the future
6- Promising effect of propolis and a by-product on planktonic cells and biofilm formation by the main agents of human fungal infections
7- TiO2 Nanocrystals and Annona crassiflora Polyphenols Used Alone or Mixed Impact Differently on Wound RepairFRANCYELLE B.R. DE MOURA, BRUNO ANTONIO FERREIRA, ELUSCA HELENA MUNIZ, RINARA A. SANTOS, JOSÉ AUGUSTO L. GOMIDE, ALLISSON B. JUSTINO, ANIELLE CHRISTINE A. SILVA, NOELIO O. DANTAS, DANIELE L. RIBEIRO, FERNANDA A. ARAÚJO, FOUED S. ESPINDOLA & TATIANA CARLA TOMIOSSOWe evaluated the healing effect of three ointments: TiO2 nanocrystals (TiO2-NCs), polyphenol enriched fractions obtained from Annona crassiflora fruit peel (PFAC) and a combination of these (PFAC + TiO2-NCs). The results demonstrate that although TiO2-NCs and PFACs have a healing effect, with anti-inflammatory activity, increase in collagen deposition and accelerated wound closure, the results with PFAC + TiO2-NCs showed opposite effects, with increased wound area and intensified inflammation. We suggest that although recent studies have shown promising effects of associations of nanocompounds and natural compounds, these are not always positive, varying according to the interaction between the molecules evaluated. Read here |
8- Samanea tubulosa Benth. (Fabaceae): Antinociceptive effect on acute pain in mice: K+ATP channel and opioid activityTAMNATA F. ALIXANDRE, RENATO P. SOUSA, BRUNO S. GOMES, ARÊTHA H.S. SILVA, BENEDITO P. SOUSA NETO, ELCILENE A. SOUSA, MARLUCE P.D. LIMA, EVERTON M. LOPES, CELYANE A. PIAUILINO, REJANE T. NASCIMENTO, ANTÔNIO C. REIS FILHO, FERNANDA R.C. ALMEIDA, FRANCISCO A. OLIVEIRA, MARIANA H. CHAVES, LUCIANA M. COSTA, MICHEL M. MORAES ALVES & AMILTON P.R. COSTASamanea tubulosa Benth., object of this study, is popularly used for treatment of skin infections, gastric inflammation, parasitic infestations and for pain. The present study aimed to investigate the pain inhibitory effect of two fractions obtained from the pods of this plant, in mice, as well as the mechanism of action. There was significant antinociception produced by the hexane and ethyl acetate fractions, related to the opioid pathway and by activating K+ATP channels. Thus, the plant under study proves to be a potential source of active principles for pain therapy. Read here |
9- Neuroprotection of Triptolide against Amyloid-Beta1-42-induced toxicity via the Akt/mTOR/ p70S6K-mediated Autophagy PathwayPENGJUAN XU, ZIXUAN WU, YANFEI PENG, JING GAO, FANG ZHENG, JUNZHEN TAN, JING XU & TAO WANGIn this study, we investigated the effect and potential mechanism of the triptolide on neuronal death caused by amyloid-Beta1-42 (Aβ1-42). The results indicated that triptolide treatment exhibited a cytoprotective effect against cell injury induced by Aβ1-42. Meanwhile, triptolide reduced apoptosis and enhanced cell survival by decreasing autophagosome accumulation and inducing autophagic degradation. Furthermore, our results also showed that activating the Akt/mTOR/p70S6K mechanism induced triptolide protection. In conclusion, triptolide decreased autophagosome accumulation and induces autophagic degradation in Aβ-treated PC12 cells. And these results indicated that activating the Akt/mTOR/p70S6K pathway induced the protective effect of triptolide. Read here |
10- Protective effect by low-intensity downhill running training against muscle damage and oxidative stress after high-intensity downhill running in ratsAYSEL YILDIRIM, MUAZ BELVİRANLI & NİLSEL OKUDANToday, many interventions have been developed to prevent or reduce eccentric exerciseinduced muscle damage. Low-intensity eccentric exercise training or preconditioning exercises applied before high-intensity eccentric exercise are among these recommendations. This study aimed to examine the effects of low-intensity eccentric exercise training before high-intensity eccentric exercise on muscle damage markers, oxidative stress and antioxidant defense in rats. According to the findings we obtained from the study, low-intensity eccentric exercise training performed before high-intensity eccentric exercise has a protective effect against muscle damage and decreases the formation of oxidative damage by increasing antioxidant levels, especially in the vastus intermedius muscle. Read here |
11- Plasma antioxidant capacity in cervical cancer patients
12- Diagnostic Value of Serum Cytokines in Predicting a Complicated Acute Appendicitis
13- Analysis of the number of deaths in Brazil between 2003 and 2020 and possible inferences about the COVID-19 pandemic and history of other diseases
14- Fatty acid synthase as a potential new therapeutic target for cervical cancerJÉSSICA NASCIMENTO, CAMILA MARIOT, DÉBORA R.B. VIANNA, LÚCIA M. KLIEMANN, PAULA S. CHAVES, MASSIMO LODA, ANDRÉIA BUFFON, RUY C.R. BECK & DIOGO A. PILGERCervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women and is associated with HPV infection. It is well known that tumor cells need a greater amount of energy and one way to obtain it is from fatty acids. FASN enzyme regulates the speed of fatty acids production in cancer cells. In this study, we demonstrate that FASN is present in greater amounts in cervical cells in more advanced stages of cancer than in normal cells and that this enzyme may be an important therapeutic target for new treatments for this cancer type. Read here |
15- Does being infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the first-trimester increase the risk of miscarriage?
16- Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular function of rats in a sulfur dioxide polluted environment
17- Longitudinal study about the impact of COVID-19 pandemic in a southern Brazilian state: the PAMPA cohort
18- Does Money Buy Happiness? Disentangling the Association Between Income, Happiness and Stress
19- Pesticides and farmers’ health: an analysis of variables related to management and property
20- Stroke epidemiology in southern Brazil: Investigating the relationship between stroke severity, hospitalization costs, and health-related quality of life
21- Pediculosis knowledge among schoolchildren parents and its relation with head lice prevalence
22- The Association of Passive Smoking and Serum Urotensin-II Levels in Children HAYRUNNISA BEKİSHAYRUNNISA BEKİS BOZKURT, MUHAMMED YAYLA, DAMLA BINNETOGLU & MULTEHAN EVRANThis study evaluate the relationship between passive smoking and Urotensin-II on childhood. We think that it is important to illuminate the etiopathogenesis of diseases by passive smoking on childhood, so it will be a step to prevent diseases which are caused by passive smoking on childhood before they were existed on adulthood. Read here |
23- Vitamin D: a potentially important secosteroid for coping with COVID-19THAYANNE S.S. ARAÚJO, COSME S. SANTOS, JULIANA K.B. SOARES & JULIANO C.R. FREITASCOVID-19 is a disease that has caused a high number of deaths in the world, and despite being controlled, it requires attention and the search for new quick and economical therapeutic strategies. In this sense, vitamin D stands out, an immunomodulator that has shown beneficial effects in decreasing the risk and severity of acute respiratory tract infections, possibly including COVID-19. Therefore, this review brings together a set of evidence on the role of vitamin D against viral infections with an emphasis on COVID-19, in addition to highlighting its general characteristics and importance to the organism. Read here |
24- Toxicity of commercial atrazine in rattus novergicus organs as a function of concentration: histopathological, ultrastructural and hematological evaluation
25- Anatomy and histology of the metapleural gland in the giant tropical ant Paraponera clavata (Fabricius, 1775) (Formicidae: Paraponerinae)
26- Hepatotoxicity and Mutagenicity assessment during chronic in vivo exposure to aqueous extracts from Peperomia pellucidaYU-WEN HUANG, ARIANNE JAN TUOZO & ROGER S. TANStudies on herbal medicine have exposed some toxic effects on humans. In this study, the effects of subchronic in vivo exposure to Peperomia pellucida (L.) HBK (P. pellucida) was investigated by administering two (2) concentrations (60 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg) of P. pellucida aqueous extracts to mice for nine (9) weeks. Results showed no sufficient evidence that subchronic exposure to the aqueous extracts incurred hepatotoxicity. Furthermore, higher concentrations may be mutagenic. This study suggests that with prolonged consumption, users are advised to take precautions and moderations of its use due to the possibility of potential mutagenic effects. Read here |
27- Molecular data reveal multiple lineages of Scinax nebulosus (Spix, 1824) (Anura: Hylidae) with Plio-Pleistocene diversification in different Brazilian regions
28- Effect of Supplemental Zinc on Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Jejunum Architecture, and Immune Response in Broiler chickens Fed Wheat-Soy Diets
29- Protective effect of kavain in meristematic cells of Allium cepa L.
30- LncRNA KCNQ1OT1 promotes the apoptosis and inflammatory response of microglia by regulating the miR-589-5p/ NPTN axis after spinal cord injury
31- Cytotoxic effect of combining two antisense oligonucleotides against telomerase rna component (hTR and mRNA of centromere protein B (CENP-B) in hepatocellular carcinoma cells
32- Colleters in Cephalanthus (Rubiaceae) and reevaluation of occurrence of corolline colleters in Angiosperms
33-Algae as a source of peptides inhibitors of the angiotensin-converting enzyme: a systematic review
34- Synergistic combination of duloxetine hydrochloride and fluconazole reduces the cell growth and capsule size of Cryptococcus neoformans
35- Physical activity reduces intradermal bacterial load in a murine model submitted to forced swim training – a pilot study
36- Filamentous fungi from textile effluent and their potential application for bioremediation process
37- An experimental and in silico analysis of Lacticaseibacillus paracasei isolated from whey shows an association between lactate production and amino acid catabolism
38- Destruction of Schistosoma mansoni sporocysts in Biomphalaria glabrata after phytochemical exposure
39- The use of fisheries resources in the Brazilian patent system
40- Temporal and vertical variation of phytoplankton and zooplankton in two tropical reservoirs with different trophic states
41- Influence of the drought on antioxidant and enzymatic activities of two Pinus species in humid and sub-humid climate
42- Reproduction of saguiru Steindachnerina elegans (Steindachner, 1874) (Pisces: Curimatidae) in the São Francisco River, downstream from a large reservoir in south-eastern Brazil
43- Advances in knowledge of Manihot (Euphorbiaceae) from Brazil
44- The influence of environmental factors on Clinostomum sp. (Digenea) infection in the fish Cichlasoma paranaense (Kullander, 1983) in Central Brazil
45- Studies on aquatic fungi in Dikarya: a review of the literature from Southern Cone of South America
46- Environmental heterogeneity drives the distribution of copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the Amazon, Araguaia, Pantanal, and Upper Paraná floodplains
47- Warming alters the metabolic rates and life-history parameters of Ceriodaphnia silvestrii (Cladocera)
48- Some features of solitonic waves propagating in intermediate waters
49- The Influences of Seismic Hazards for Cultural Heritage Sites: Roman City of Hierapolis
50- Feeding ecology of endemic frogs of the Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil
51- Fatty Acid Incorporation in the Muscle, Oxidative Markers, Lipid Peroxidation and PPAR-α and SREBP-2 Expression of Zebrafish Fed Linseed Oil and Clove Leaf Essential OilTHIBÉRIO C. DA SILVA, KARINA S. UTSUNOMIYA, PEDRO LUIZ CASTRO, JOANA D’ARC M. ROCHA, JESUI V. VISENTAINER, ELIANE GASPARINO & RICARDO P. RIBEIROThe data provide important scientific information that contributes to a better understanding of fish nutrition, about the use of an ingredient in the diet as a source of nutrients in addition to better animal health. The data can benefit the aquaculture sector, especially the area of nutritional and food management, the industry of natural products (essential oils), the scientific community of interest. The data can be used to improve the formulation of fish diets, to encourage new studies seeking to identify nutraceutical foods with potential for use and to improve the information base with scientific data inherent to the area.In the next three points you may like to explain how these data could potentially make an impact on society and highlight any other additional value of these data. With the discovery of the data it is possible to offer a food (fish) with more nutritional value to society. Read here |
52- Reproductive Biology, Sperm storage, and Sexual Maturity of Thamnodynastes strigatus (Serpentes: Dipsadidae)
53- Effects of organic Selenium- and Chromium-Enriched Diets on performance, carcass characteristics, lipid profile and fat quality of finishing pigs in different weight rangesEDUARDO V. FERREIRA, JOÃO G.C. JÚNIOR, GERUSA S.S. CORRÊA, CHARLES KIEFER, STEPHAN A.S. ALENCAR, LUIZ H. VIANA & LEANDRO F. CAVALHEIROTo evaluate the fatty acid profile of subcutaneous fat from barrow supplemented with organic chromium and selenium initiated in different weight ranges in the finishing. Diets: control - without CrSe; CrSe70 – control with 500 g ton-1 CrSe from 70-130 kg in body weight; and CrSe100 - control with 500 g ton-1 CrSe from 100-130 kg body weight. Performance, carcass characteristics, and lipid profile were evaluated. The moment when supplementation starts does not improve the performance and carcass characteristics, does not change the fatty acid profile, and does not improve the quality of the fat. Read here |
54- Effects of lysine levels on performance, blood parameters, and nutrient digestibility of Duroc barrows in the starter phase
55- Chemical composition and in situ degradability of sugarcane tip hay subjected to alkaline treatment
56- Melon genotypes with resistance to Liriomyza sativae Blanchard (Diptera: Agromyzidae)
57- Reproduction of Meloidogyne javanica in soybean genotypes
58- Silver nanoparticles intensify the allelopathic intensity of four invasive plant species in the Asteraceae
59- Estimating the light conversion efficiency by sugarcane: the segmented approachLARISSA P. CRUZ, EDUARDO C. MACHADO & RAFAEL V. RIBEIROThe light conversion efficiency (εc) is one of the fundamental variables defining the biomass production. The long-standing and classical method estimates a single εc value for the whole growing season. Using this approach, we estimated theoretical εc values for sugarcane from 1.91 to 2.84 g MJ-1. The segmented approach proposed herein considers the variation of εc along the crop cycle and revealed that it can be almost three times higher than the single εc value estimated by using the classical method. Such segmentation of εc allows us to capture more insightful information about the crop dynamics in a changing environment. Read here |
60- Adaptation of rapid multiplication method: cassava stem and root yield at different spacings and transplanting seasons
61- Do biofertilizers affect nodulation ability and pod production in peanut genotypes?ANA KELLY S. JULIÃO, LUCAS N. DA LUZ, MARYSSOL T. GADELHA, MATHEUS L. OLIVEIRA, MARIA V.S. SILVEIRA, SAMUEL F.A.O. CASTRO & LENIN P. BARROSPeanut is a much appreciated oilseed plant in the world. In the northeast of Brazil, it is consumed a lot at some times of the year. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of biofertilizer doses on peanut nodulation and production components, to define the best dose and genotype. Generally, low crop productivity is caused by the absence of appropriate technological packages. We believe that easy-to-use, low-cost technological packages, such as the use of biofertilizers, are able to increase productivity and make production more profitable to the producer. Read here |
62- Antifungal activity of essential oil from Eucalyptus staigeriana against Alternaria alternata causing of leaf spot and black rot in table grapes
63- Lethal and sublethal effects of essential oils from Piper capitarianum Yunck and Piper krukoffii Yunck on Plutella xylostella L.
64- Influence of different Eucalyptus hybrids on soil macrofauna
65- Spatial variability of soil physical properties in longitudinal profiles
66- Phenotypic divergence among half-sib progenies of African mahogany
67- Quality Properties and Headspace Volatiles of Hot Air-Dried Strawberries
68- Control of Reactive Power with Genetic Algorithm in Electrical Power Systems with Photovoltaic Power Plant
69- Harassment in Brazilian universities: how big is this problem? The Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) as a case study
70- “I am a scientist, but nobody needs to know”: towards an understanding about professional self-designation among university professors in Brazil
All abstracts of the publications were provided by the respective authors. |
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Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences